Romare Bearden In The Classroom


Romare Bearden in the Classroom curriculum provides a content-rich curriculum packet that contains art reproductions; an annotated educator’s guide aligning with the NYC Blueprint for the Arts and National Arts Education Program curriculum; and lesson plans providing methods for integrating the curriculum into existing classroom programs.

The curriculum explores traditional subjects by studying pivotal themes in Romare Bearden’s creative life, from ancient Chinese landscape scrolls and Renaissance art to 20th century jazz, literature and painting. Engaging K-12 students, Romare Bearden in the Classroom curriculum provides opportunities to learn standard curriculum themes through viewing art critically and art-making, as well as other skills such as design and video making.

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Educator Guidelines, CD of images, 5 two-sided posters 10” x 14”, and 10 lessons plans, all contained in a 3 ring binder.